Ja ha passat carnaval i un cop entrat en el temps de quaresma, de reflexió i bondat, crec que toca dir-vos què varem fer. Això si, la N i la L varen fer tot el possible per que la celebració del comiat de la disbauxa fos el més èpic possible, altre cosa és que els factors externs ens ho impedissin! :P
Hi!Carnaval has just passed and once in quaresma, time to behave, I think is right that we should tell you what we did. Of course, N and L tried to make every thing possible for the celebration of goodbye to craziness would become as epic as possible, but we could do anything about the external factors! :P
Al final, entre les presses, la falta de temps, l'acumulació de feina i el fet que som unes mentalment inestables, va causar que no poguéssim complir amb el nostre objectiu de anar de Spiderwomans, però no passa res!! tenim plant B per tot!!
In the end, with all the hurries, the lack of time, the huge amount of work and the fact that we are mentally unstable, caused that we could not accomplish our objective to be Spiderwomants, but no problem!! We have a plan B for everything!!
In the end, with all the hurries, the lack of time, the huge amount of work and the fact that we are mentally unstable, caused that we could not accomplish our objective to be Spiderwomants, but no problem!! We have a plan B for everything!!
Per poder agafar energies i així poder liarla com pertoca tota la nit, el que primer varem fer és inflar-nos a menjar xino!! Sip, aquí teniu una foto que ho demostra clarament, a més veieu com la L pretenia convertir-se en una veritable menjatallarines! I també teniu un hint de què anava disfressada, si tots feu com si fossiu homes i mireu al pit (yes perverts, I know you are there) veureu el símbol de Flash. Val, el personatge no existeix, i? al igual no heu acceptat canvis de canon en altres cops! pos per la L també!! XD
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You can see Ns ghost! |
To be able to catch energies and be able to crazy around like it's supposed to be the whole night, the first thing we did was fill us up in xinesse food!! Yep, here you have a foto that it proves it clearly, and you even can see how L pretended to turn her self in to noodle eater! (here I must tell that in Catalunya, menjatallarines is a character of Kinikuman, the anime wierd boxing series) And you also have a hint of what her costume was, if you all do like men and look at her breast (yes perverts, I Know you are there) you will see the Flash symbol. Ok, this character doesn't exist, so? You have accepted many times changes of cannon! So for L to!! XD
Un cop embotides com cal, ens dirigim al Sr. Lobo, lloc d'entreteniment per excel·lència! Allà havíem quedat amb la nostre amiga Ivorwen (fidel seguidora del bloc) i així comença molt bé la festa.
Once stuffed how we should, we went to Sr. Lobo, entertainment place by rule! There we met with Ivorwen (Loyal follower of the blogg) and so we started very good the party!
Com podeu apreciar a la foto, la N anava de Zatana i la L del Sheflash com ja hem dit, la nostra amiga Ivor la veiem en un espectacular Green Fenix que se'l va fer ella! impresionant!
As you can appreciate in the foto, N was Zatana and L Sheflas, as we knew already, our friend Ivor we can see her in a spectacular Green Fenix that she made by herself! Impressive!

As L being Flash is very quick, she had time to be taken an other picture of :P OK, the joke was terrible, but you can't expect me being ingenuous and funny at the same time! XD

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Even Lady Gaga showed up! |
Hope to see you soon!
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